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Why I Wanted To Share My Story

Updated: Mar 25, 2022

My story was something that I used to be ashamed of, I felt disgusted that I had this eating disorder along with underlying issues. I felt trapped within myself, I began to become comfortable with the demons inside of me. Yet, throughout all the pain there was this voice inside of me that wanted to live. It was minimal; yes. But after having a near-death experience I realized that I was kept alive for a reason. I was kept alive to experience life to the fullest from a perspective of utter gratitude towards the world.

It feels like ages ago, I was terrified to raise my hand in class. Now I am presenting poems in the city, and I am filled with an immense amount of gratitude. This picture was taken at one of my off-broadway open mic nights at a place that changed my life 'Mike Geffner Inspired World NYC.' I presented 'Green Eyes', which was a poem filled with vulnerability and anxiety. These four ladies who I look up to have changed my life, and have shown me I am worth more than my past.


Hidden Opponent Interview

“With this story I am showing how I found my inner warrior, and that it is possible for each and every person reading this.”

The Hidden Opponent was my first interview, and believe me I was TERRIFIED! Would I be judged? Would I be made fun of online?

It was one of the bravest decisions I have made. I shared my story on this website with the soul purpose of helping others discover themselves, and their potential. Everyday I discover my inner warrior, and her capability. When I was extremely sick sophomore year, I didn't have any real vulnerable person to share her struggles. I wanted to be that person I needed when I was 15, a true flawed warrior.

Check it out;)

The Thought Process

Looking back I began to understand why I wad diagnosed with an eating disorder, I began to understand why I had to go through what I went through to become the person I am today. When I first made my blog online I was shaking, I remember thinking I would be judged for trying to bring awareness to this topic. Was that true? Not at all. Soon after my blog began to grow, I took part in more projects to raise awareness to a topic I was so passionate about which was mental health. I discovered that I want to break the stigma surrounding eating disorders, and body image. I knew that by sharing my story I am one step closer to breaking the world wide stigma surrounding women and their bodies.


Mira T Lee Interview: Challenging Your Inner Warrior By Battling The Invisible Enemy

“I look back and I think how much stronger I became.-Mira T Lee

I knew I wanted to expand my platform, and share my story with a substantial amount of people. I remember thinking to myself, how can I bring awareness to mental health? I got the idea to partner with an author whose book we read my last year of high school, a book that was designated to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health. Mira T Lee played a large role in helping me become the confident individual I am today, I had the pleasure of interviewing her and sharing my story with a larger audience.

Check it out:)


Happiness is possible:)

Let these NON FILTERED pictures show you that happiness is possible. You are more than enough, and when you truly run at your fears you glow. This is a photoshoot I had with my best friend. I have found this new part of me, I know my truth and I am not afraid of the unknown anymore. I learned that love is reckless, painful, and complicated. But above all its this beautiful metaphor that every human being longs to understand. I learned how to be my own soulmate. I want these picture to show you all that true happiness will come, when you are least looking for it. Love is a moving sea, and you have to love the simplicity life has to offer.



"Opening your heart up to love again, is how pain will find an exit. If my poems taught me anything, its okay to fall in love again. Let the sunrise be your reminder, that everyday is a new beginning. To that young girl out there, do not put your life on pause because you are scared for a new chapter with someone else. Love is a moving sea. Love is complicated, messy, and painful. The real question is not whether or not you are in love. But, are you in love with yourself, waking up in the morning smiling, crying, and even going through life a second time. Rather learn to see the sunrise, and the sunset at the same time. For when you are in love, allow the waves of the unknown be something you chase. I have fallen in love again, but rather this time have kept it close to my heart. I cherish it, I do not show it off for the world. I rather work on understanding this metaphor, by understanding its power."

- Someone who was once heartbroken.



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By: Kate Cipoletti


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